Today’s reading is so rich with lessons and teachings relevant to our lives today. Some of the key themes that stand out in 2 Kings are idolatry, God’s patience and judgment. It’s hard to separate those themes, as one lends itself to the next. However, the one that stood out to me that I’d like to focus on is the idea of idolatry.

In 2 Kings we see that each man who rises in power to be the next king repeats the same cycle of sin. Generation after generation, they “did evil in the eyes of the Lord and did not turn away from any sins.” Even those who did right in the eyes of the Lord initially soon found themselves in the same place.

Do we know from the reading what the sin is that God calls them to repent from? Sometimes our sin is subtle and in this situation what looks like a king trying to rule his land is really idolatry at its best: idolatry that might come in the form of an idea, an ability, a possession, or a person we hold in higher regard than God. In each one of the king’s reigns there is idolatry through manipulation, war, power, sex, and cruelty. At some point, God calls them each to repentance. God wants real faith, a deeper reliance on him, and fullness for each of them that they cannot have while idolizing their own control, their own ideas, their own abilities, etc… He wanted their whole hearts, not just an occasional call for help when things got tough.

Most of us know what idolatry looks like, but how often are we swept up in it anyway? Today idolizing may take the form of money, title, self-will, and awards. These can still be positive things in our lives, but if they become our “god,” we miss the mark.

Why is turning to God more challenging than looking to those idols to fulfill us? It might be that God wants us to be all in and to focus on others instead of ourselves. This is a huge shift in mindset for most and it starts with sacrifice – the sacrifice he models for us through his son Jesus Christ. The rewards and blessings far outweigh what we think these other things will ever do for us.

Questions for reflection:

  • What can we learn from the stories of the kings about repentance?
  • How has God shown you patience in your own cycle of sin?
  • Ask God to bring to mind any idols in your own life and hand them over to him.