“You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the word…” Matthew 5:13-14

I love going to the movie theater! The big screen, the surround sound, the oversized comfy chair, and of course the smell of popcorn in the air! It’s nearly impossible to pass up on the giant tub of popcorn on the way into the theater, and they always ask if I want extra butter and salt. My response was, “Of course!”

Adding salt is a great way to bring out the flavor! Don’t believe me? Just try eating popcorn without any salt on it next time, it’s just not the same! Did you know, salt is also a great preservative? In fact, several years ago before anyone had a refrigerator, people would pack their perishable food items with lots of salt as a way of preserving their quality for a longer time.

Jesus said, in his most famous Sermon on the Mount, you are the salt of the earth.

Just like movie theater popcorn, you bring flavor into our world!

After the concession stand, it’s time to find your way into the dark theater, and it’s hard to see where you’re going. But those little lights along the stairs help you see the way! Each little light helps you take the next step as you find your seat. The same is true in your spiritual journey.

Jesus says you are the light of the world.

No matter how dark our world might get, no matter how much tragedy, pain, sickness, or sorrow you might face, the light of God’s love will always help you see the way forward!

So, the next time you go out to see a movie, remember Jesus’ famous words of truth. You are salt & light!

Questions for reflection:

  • What gifts or strengths has God given you?
  • How can you use those gifts to bring out the best in others?
  • Where do you see darkness in our world?
  • How might God be calling you to shine your light (through prayer and action) into those places?