These genealogies are the official family records of the nation of Israel. They give us an overview of the history of God’s work from creation through the captivity of his people. These records served to teach the exiles returning from Babylon about their spiritual heritage as a nation and to inspire them to renew their faithfulness to God. You may be wondering what these names have to do with us today. They also contain the spiritual heritage of every believer. We are a part of the community of faith that has existed from generation to generation since the dawn of humankind.

This record of names demonstrates that God is interested not only in nations but also in individuals. God knows and remembers the face and name of each person. Each of us is more than a name on a list; we are special persons God created, knows, and loves. As we recognize and accept his love, we discover both our uniqueness as individuals and our unity within the family of God.

This long genealogy not only lists names but gives us insights into some of the people. Each of us is forging a reputation, developing personal qualities by which we will be remembered by others and by God. What we do now does matter.

David is one of the best-known people in the Bible. He was certainly not perfect (and neither are any of us), but God called David “A man after my own heart.” David’s greatest desire was to serve and worship God.

Today, all believers are priests for one another, and we should encourage each other to faithful worship.

Questions for reflection:

  1. How would you like for your life to be remembered by others?
  2. How would you like for your life to be remembered by God?
  3. How can you use your God-given uniqueness to “minister” to and encourage others to faithful worship as part of the “priesthood of all believers?”