Have you ever felt like you were just not the right person for the job? There are so many times in our lives when we need help. I think about new mothers/fathers …the first time they have a child it probably feels like they have no clue what they are doing. They suddenly become responsible for a life that cannot take care of itself. They have been given this gift of a person to love and cherish and to make sure that this child’s world is safe, that they are growing, healthy, and have all the things needed to live. I have heard new mothers say they feel like they may not be suitable for the job, doubting their ability to actually raise a child.

Or maybe it is a new job. Boy, those can be tough. There are all the things you need to learn while also being in a position of performance and productivity – people count on you to do your job well. You might wonder if you have what it takes to be successful.

When we are in a place of questioning, it can feel like a lack of confidence in our own ability. This is the time to reach out to God for help. So many people refuse to ask for it. Pride and self-sufficiency get in the way. Prayer sometimes isn’t our first go-to, but it should be.

God has called you into places in your life where he is totally convinced you will make a difference and succeed. He can equip you and lead you if you call on him and listen to what he has for you.

I love the simple serenity prayer when I feel I am overwhelmed.

God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,
The COURAGE to change the things I can.
And the WISDOM to know the difference.

In this, I am not asking for specific outcomes because I trust the outcome to him. Instead, I would like him to give me the wisdom I need to make the changes and decisions necessary to lead in whatever arena he has called me. I may not be a king like Soloman, but I am the daughter of the most high God, and I can trust him to guide and give me what I need in order to do as he sees fit.  

Questions for reflection:

  1. When was a time you felt underqualified for something?
  2. How hard was it to reach out to God and ask him for help?
  3. Has there ever been a time when you did have a conversation with God and he blessed you with great discernment and wisdom? Share that with someone today.