Welcome to Hope Local Newton!

Hope Local Newton launched in fall 2022 and has been a vibrant presence in the Jasper County community ever since. Meeting at Capitol II Theatre, we have “Popcorn Sunday” once per month and the most comfortable seats of any Local Site! Conveniently located in downtown Newton, Hope Local Newton has become a church home for those east of the Des Moines metro looking for a Spirit-filled worshiping community.

Sundays, 9:30 am
Capitol II Theatre

Group worshipping from in theater
Bibles Heroes 628x353

Bible Heroes After God’s Own Heart Sermon Series

Join us for this sermon series where we take a deep dive into various heroes in the Bible! From David to Noah, and Paul to Mary Magdalene, along with several others, we will see how God used these ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Come and see!

Upcoming Sermons

Looking to Grow Deeper in Your Faith?

Join us for our Wednesday night Bible Study! Come to Van Maanen Electric on 500 Speedway Drive in Newton on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm in the conference room! We’ll save you a seat!

Get to Know Our Team

Hope Local Newton is led by a dedicated team of volunteers headed up by Craig Armstrong. They have a heart to see the kingdom grow in Newton, Iowa!


Mark Brandt

Anna Roeth

Anna Roeth


Craig Armstrong

Get Connected With Hope Local Newton!