Welcome to Hope Local Forest City!

Hope Local Forest City is Hope’s home in north central Iowa! Join us every Sunday morning at the Forest City YMCA for worship! Launching in the fall of 2015, Hope Local Forest City was Hope’s first ever Local Site. 

Sundays, 9:30 am 
Community Room at the Forest City YMCA 

We have great coffee and fresh-baked goods every week. And, once a month we hold a potluck for an extended time of fellowship. Missions are also a major part of who we are as a church. Through community meals and food donation, Hope Local Forest City seeks to make a positive impact on families in the Winnebago County area. 

Small group of people watching service
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The Jesus Who’s More Than We Think

Join us as we continue on in our year-long theme 52 for ’25 by taking a deep dive into the questions we have about Jesus. As we ask some really good questions, we will meet and experience the Jesus Who’s More Than We Think!

Upcoming Sermons

Get Involved at Hope Local Forest City

Hope Local Forest City seeks to offer ministries for all ages. Whether young or old, you can grow in your faith! Hope provides a ministry for kids on weekends and during the week, small groups, Alpha and more! 

HopeKids, Hope’s Sunday school ministry for kids in kindergarten – grade 5, meets on Sundays during our 9:30 am service. Come for worship and know there is a space for your kids, too! 

PowerLife is Hope’s Student Ministry and meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm during the school year. PowerLife is currently open to kids in grades 5-8. 

The Missions Ministry at Hope Local Forest City has a strong connection with the YMCA and young families in the area, often providing meals to both parents and kids alike who just don’t have the time with everything going on. In addition, Hope partners with a local food pantry to provide much-needed food and daily items for families in need. 

Get to Know Our Team

Hope Local Forest City is led by a team of more than 10 dedicated volunteers headed up by Scott and Mary Mathiasen. They have a heart to see the kingdom of God grow in Forest City, Iowa!


Mark Brandt


Scott and Mary Mathiasen

Get Connected With Hope Local Forest City!