When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— 
    the moon and the stars you set in place— 
what are mere mortals that you should think about them, 
    human beings that you should care for them? 
Psalm 8:3-4

In Psalms 5-7, it would be fair to say the author, most likely David, is going through it! Lots of talk about enemies and trials… pleading with God to intervene. Have you been there? I would bet you have at one time or another or are going through it right now! 

On comes Psalm 8 to give us some perspective. Psalm 8 reminds us that we are not in this alone AND that God had/has a plan for the pinnacle of his creation… you and me.  

It is easy to feel distant from God at times… to feel small when you consider ALL that is at work in creation. Why would God have time for “little old me?” And this isn’t exclusive to extreme times of need either. It is in our everyday life of going through the motions not really considering that God is in the midst of everything and all we do. It is just hard to see him during the daily grind. And yet, this Psalm reminds us that God made us only a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honor – (Psalm 8:5). You are beloved and on God’s mind every moment! Even when he isn’t on yours. 

Perhaps this might be a habit to get into to set your heart and mind on God. And it won’t necessitate a 30-minute quiet time unless that is your norm. Quite simply, there is a centering prayer that goes like this, “God what do you want to do in and through me today to impact the world around me with your love and care?” If you start with that in the morning as you are driving to work or getting ready or eating breakfast, it has the potential to frame up your day with God as a guide instead of an afterthought.  

Questions for reflection:

  1. Start today with that centering prayer, “God what do you want to do in and through me today to impact the world around me with your love and care?” 
  1. Reflect at the end of the day on if/how that prayer changed your perspective and what impact it had on those around you.