May 11, 2023 – Acts 11  

Let me tell you about my friend Jeremy. I should start by saying this is NOT Pastor Jeremy Johnson, however, this Jeremy was, like Pastor Jeremy, a preacher’s kid. I met Jeremy because he was a cabin mate of mine at Riverside Bible Camp back in the late 80s. This was my first summer ever going to camp AND I was a pretty new Christian to boot. Unlike Pastor Jeremy, this Jeremy walked on the wild side. Rules were arbitrary in his life… he brought a pocket knife with him that summer, didn’t pay attention during Bible study, used his aerosol deodorant to make a torch, and wrote on the rafters of our cabin. Great influence right? And who doesn’t want to hang out with the rebel? Like our story today in Acts 11, Jeremy was NOT someone most people would agree would be good to hang out with. Peter was chastised by the believers about hanging out with the Gentiles. “You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them!’ they said.” (vs. 3) 

Here is the big question for today… Can God work with imperfect vessels? Well, the correct answer is yes! Let’s tease that out a bit though. In our Bible passage in Acts 11, Peter is recalling his time with Cornelius and his family and all the wonderful things the Holy Spirit did during his time there. The disciples didn’t understand why he even went there in the first place because, by earthly standards, the Gentiles and Jews weren’t supposed to hang out.

Peter shared with them about the voice from heaven instructing him to set aside his preconceived notions and to share the Good News. And the Holy Spirit honored that by showing up in a powerful way, crushing the boundaries they held too tightly to. God was at work in people that the believers once thought unclean.  

I think sometimes we try spending too much time in holy huddles rather than looking outside our accepted groups to see where God is, or more importantly, wants us to be at work with him. Not only did God choose the Gentiles to build his church, but he also chooses imperfect vessels like you and me. And like Jeremy… Jeremy and I went to the pool one afternoon and Jeremy introduced me to his friend Kevin. Kevin went to a church in a town near mine and we became fast friends. Kevin kept me involved at camp even when I didn’t think I wanted to go or could afford it. Camp is where my faith really caught fire, so had I not stayed involved, I may not have stuck with my faith. And that faith eventually led me to Hope.

So, a rule-breaking, outcast pastor’s kid who by all worldly accounts was someone I should NEVER have spent time with, is a major part of the story behind my writing this today. So, look for the outcasts… You might be surprised who or what God helps you see! 

Questions for reflection:

  1. Who have been some influential people in your faith journey? When was the last time you thanked them? 
  2. Ask God to help you to see those around you that the world has written off with new eyes. Invite one of them to church with you this week!