In Mark 6:4, Jesus says, “A prophet [in other words, a worker for God] is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family.”

When you’ve had an audacious assignment or calling from God, has anyone ever said to you, “Who do you think you are?” Maybe your family and friends don’t “get you” or your faith in a big God or Jesus, the miracle worker.

The question is not “Who do you think you are?” but “How big is your God?”

Whether you are praying for healing or a miracle; trying to feed the world with “five loaves and two fish;” being sent out “two by two” to do hospital visits, check on lonely shut-ins, and lead worship services in senior care centers; starting a new ministry; going on a mission trip; or following Jesus daily, you don’t need to be respected or honored to be useful to God. If family and friends don’t respect your Christian work, don’t let their rejection keep you from serving God.

We are not responsible when others reject Christ’s message of salvation, but we are responsible for sharing the Good News clearly and faithfully.

The disciples were sent out in pairs. One advantage of having a partner was that they could strengthen and encourage each other, especially when they faced rejection. Our strength ultimately comes from God, but he meets many of our needs through our teamwork with others. As you serve Christ, don’t try to go it alone. We’re better together and together everyone accomplishes more—TEAM!


  • Do I care more about the approval of people or God?
  • Am I doing what I can with what I have?
  • Who are the people I serve alongside?
  • Am I trusting God to help me “get out of the boat and do some water walking” with him?