But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and “All who belong to the Lord must turn away from evil.”

Fall is hurricane season for the Southeast, and the U.S. has already experienced a couple this year. The devastation is heartbreaking as people confront the reality of what is left in the wake of the winds and the water and begin the long, arduous process of recovery and rebuilding.

As I was scrolling today, I came across a picture of a tree on a bridge that is defying the odds by standing through storm after storm. It’s secret? A firm foundation built on a solid root system.

Our faith is tested every day. And even though we know the truth, we are “prone to wander” as we read back in Samuel. This is often due to our foundation being shaken. When that happens, we turn to the things of this world that provide immediate, but empty relief from whatever we are facing.

Do that often enough, and we may find ourselves in the wilderness, accepting our circumstances as truth instead of relying on THE truth of the Gospel. You are his! And nothing can change that… It might be time to examine your root system and if you find it a bit shaky, get back into the word that reminds you not only whose you are, but that you have a foundation that can withstand any storm!

Questions for reflection:

  1. When the storms of life hit, where do you turn most often? What is the result?
  2. What does a foundation built on the truth of the Word look like to you?