April 18 – John 9:1-10:21

John D. Rockefeller was the richest person in the world, and according to inflation metrics, he is still considered to be the wealthiest U.S. American ever. Seems like that would be enough, right? Well, someone asked him how much money was enough to make him happy and he replied, “Just one dollar more.”

Tom Brady won seven Super Bowls throughout his illustrious football career – that’s more than any franchise in the history of the NFL. Still, whenever he was asked, “What’s your favorite Super Bowl?” he answered, “The next one.”

When is enough, enough?

Before we expose the futility of living for money and status, it should be noted that true a person will need a certain amount of money to survive, and Christians should commit to giving to those in need, but what if there is more to life than just surviving?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with “success,” but money and popularity turn into thieves when we start to believe that they will deliver us peace. It starts with a few extra hours on the job. Then it turns into missing an important family or friend event. Eventually, we’re not working to live, but we’re living to work. The dreams we thought were going to make us happy steal life’s most meaningful things. And for what?

Jesus says in John 10:8-10

All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Jesus is the gate to peace – an abundant, rich, and satisfying life. Possessions come and go, along with the happiness they bring. The only way to experience joy that never leaves is to have something that cannot fail. Only Jesus restores stolen blessings, brings life to dead dreams, and gives our lives true purpose. Every other thing we can live for says, “Give me some more of your life.” Jesus is the God who gave his life for us.

Would you like to experience “enough”? Enter the gate to peace: his name is Jesus.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What do you strive for in life? How does what you strive for differ from what Jesus desires for us?
  2. What are some common traps that keep us from living rich and satisfying lives that Jesus promised?