Marrrr023 – Luke 8:1-39  

The man who had been freed from the demons begged to go with him. But Jesus sent him home, saying “No, go back to your family and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. 

– Luke 8:38-39 

What’s your story? 

Everybody has one. As we walk through life, with or without an awareness of God, we collect experiences. We collect moments that impact us. Some are good. Some are really hard. What does your list of these moments look like? 

What genre of story is yours? For some life is a comedy. Others, it’s a drama. For others still it’s a mystery and yet others an adventure. 

Whatever category you put your story in, the reality is God is a part of it and has been for quite a while. For centuries God has been pursuing humanity, restoring what has been broken, recovering what was lost and putting things back the way he originally intended them to be. 

The man healed from demon possession in this section of Luke understood that. He’d obviously been through a lot. I wonder what he was able to remember about life before a demon took him over. I’m no expert, but I’m willing to bet it felt like a whole new chapter when Jesus came along and set him free. This is evident in his reaction. He desperately wants to go with Jesus.  

He loved what Jesus gave him. He asked for more, but Jesus has something different in mind. He doesn’t ask the man to sit and collect more religious experiences. He sends him out. He sends him back home. He sends him where we people will see the change and get the word out about God’s kingdom taking root in his life. He asks us to do the same, yet so many feel like they don’t have anything to offer. The reality is we all have something to share. God waits on us to take the next step. What next step is God calling you to take? 

Questions for reflection: 

Re-read Luke 8:1-39. Which of the characters in this passage has the most adventurous story to tell? 

What has God done for you? 

What opportunities do you have to brag about God (and what he has done for you) to others? What would it look like to do it in a way that opens more conversation about God? 

March 6, 2023 – Luke 8:1-39  

The man who had been freed from the demons begged to go with him. But Jesus sent him home, saying “No, go back to your family and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. 

– Luke 8:38-39 

What’s your story? 

Everybody has one. As we walk through life, with or without an awareness of God, we collect experiences. We collect moments that impact us. Some are good. Some are really hard. What does your list of these moments look like? 

What genre of story is yours? For some life is a comedy. Others, it’s a drama. For others still it’s a mystery and yet others an adventure. 

Whatever category you put your story in, the reality is God is a part of it and has been for quite a while. For centuries God has been pursuing humanity, restoring what has been broken, recovering what was lost and putting things back the way he originally intended them to be. 

The man healed from demon possession in this section of Luke understood that. He’d obviously been through a lot. I wonder what he was able to remember about life before a demon took him over. I’m no expert, but I’m willing to bet it felt like a whole new chapter when Jesus came along and set him free. This is evident in his reaction. He desperately wants to go with Jesus.  

He loved what Jesus gave him. He asked for more, but Jesus has something different in mind. He doesn’t ask the man to sit and collect more religious experiences. He sends him out. He sends him back home. He sends him where we people will see the change and get the word out about God’s kingdom taking root in his life. He asks us to do the same, yet so many feel like they don’t have anything to offer. The reality is we all have something to share. God waits on us to take the next step. What next step is God calling you to take? 

Questions for reflection: 

Re-read Luke 8:1-39. Which of the characters in this passage has the most adventurous story to tell? 

What has God done for you? 

What opportunities do you have to brag about God (and what he has done for you) to others? What would it look like to do it in a way that opens more conversation about God?