June 23, 2023 – Romans 15:14-33

Do you know what your mission is? Yes, companies, organizations, and businesses have mission statements, but do you? Beyond your job, what pays the bills, or what you do each day, is there a reason or motive behind it all? Is there a “why” behind your “what?” Do you have a mission in life that runs deeper than a title or position, and has been placed there by God?

In Romans 15:16, Paul makes it very clear what God’s mission for his life is, "He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit." This mission, this call, on Paul’s life defined everything he did from the moment he encountered Jesus and going forward.

If we know anything about Paul’s life, having a clear sense of purpose and calling was crucial to overcome everything he faced. Encountering beatings, shipwrecks, and countless moments of persecution, if Paul’s commitment to Jesus would have been lukewarm, he would have given up and never fulfilled the call God had placed on his life.

Having a mission in life isn’t about a cliché statement you can put on your resume or on a T-shirt, it’s about having a fire inside that won’t go out when life tries to throw water on it. It’s about having a deep sense of purpose that can withstand the pain and trials of life. Anything great that has been accomplished didn’t happen through ease and comfort. It requires perseverance, strength, and character. God in his wisdom didn’t just give Paul the mission, he gave him the character to carry it out.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Paul’s calling was crystal-clear because it came from God. Have you ever asked God what your mission or deeper purpose in your life is?
  2. How might having a personal mission statement shape your life? What difference could it make for your values, priorities, schedule, and decision-making?