As the waiter walks by the table, my eyes are drawn to the cheeseburger platter with piles of onion rings and a big chocolate malt. My tastebuds shout, “Now THAT is what I want!” 

Then I see salads front and center on the menu. “Hmmm… Tough choice. The burger looks like what I want, but the salad is what I actually need.”

In today’s passages, we can hear God’s people shouting “Give us what we want!” And the consequences are like a big ole’ bag of cheeseburgers. Delicious at first, and a platter of regret in the long run. 

“We want to look like the people around us! Give us a king!” They demand.

The uproar builds. God’s people refuse to listen. They can’t seem to grasp that the most benevolent and righteous King the world could know was already their ruler, judge, and protector. He was all they needed.

Against his better judgment, God honored their request and gave them what they asked for.  

Now they look like everyone else.   


Our desires and feelings are important to pay attention to, but they rarely facilitate the best decision-making. 

God wanted his people to flourish. He wanted them to stand out as a light in a dark world. Instead, they chose poorly. They suffered. As a result of their choices, the world around them suffered as well. 

Take heart! The good news is God doesn’t just abandon us in our suffering and choices. He sees, he comes down, and he meets us in the middle of them. 

Questions for reflection: 

  • It would be easy for God to be offended and turn his back on his people after they rejected him as King. But he doesn’t. What does that tell you about God’s faithfulness to you?
  • Has there been a time when you elevated others’ values, actions, or opinions over what God might be directing you toward? Take a moment to talk with God about the situation. (Go ahead! He already knows!) How can you know he sees your actions and still loves you? 

Gracious and faithful God, Thank you for never turning your back on me, even when my desires or demands go against your better judgment. Please forgive me for anything I have made more important than you. Thank you for always restoring me back to you. Thank you for being a loving and righteous king. AMEN.