What is truth? That question, famously asked by Pontius Pilate at Jesus’ trial, has been echoed throughout all of human history. In Genesis 3, the serpent questioned whether God could be trusted to tell the truth. Throughout the Old Testament, God’s people continued to wrestle with this same question: Can we trust God’s truth—his love, his promises, his way of life for us—or are we left to figure out our own truth?

In our culture the question of truth still remains at the center of most philosophical debates. Is there a common truth or reality that can help us make sense out of this confusing journey we call life? Or are we left to create our own personal roadmaps based on our own personal experiences, which psychologists remind us aren’t all that reliable when it comes to things like truth and reality?

When the Bible talks about truth and reality, it’s always talking about a person, namely God. To trust God, his love, his promises, and he way for us, is to walk in wisdom and truth. To trust anything else is self-deceptive foolishness, often resulting in disastrous consequences.

Jesus taught his followers that he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As they followed him, they discovered they became less reactive, less afraid, more peaceful, and more able to walk in wisdom and truth, even in difficult circumstances. They found they were more able to forgive others, more able to love generously—even their enemies! Most of all, they experienced for themselves Jesus’ unconditional acceptance, love, and forgiveness in a way that changed their lives.

This way of life is still available to you today. You can experience a life filled with love and life and joy, no matter what the circumstance!

Questions for reflection:

  1. What would it mean to live the Jesus way?  What would it mean to live by his truth? What would that look like in all the details of everyday life?
  2. What would it mean to treat people like Jesus treats us? What kind of life would that produce?