July 21, 2021 – 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

As the recovery minister here at Hope, I have talked with so many people over the years who try to understand the point of the recovery process. I mean, most people just want to quit that old behavior and believe that everything will automatically get better. And believe me, stopping behaviors that are destructive is a great first step to getting better.

But the recovery process does more than create abstinence from a behavior. It is a straight-up reconciliation with us to Christ so we can share the Good News of hope and healing through Jesus Christ. We take steps to let our old life die and our new life grow by surrendering our old life to God. We find out that Christ isn’t keeping a tally sheet against us and that we have been forgiven and can be set free of all kinds of guilt and shame. We move into a place of healing relationships and share the love and grace of Christ with others who think they are too far gone to receive such a thing.

This is discipleship at its finest. Not one of us walking into a recovery program has ever thought we could be used by God to share his amazing love and grace…..but God knew. God wrote the story. When Jesus was on this earth, he turned many around and they walked right out of their old life into a new life following him. They share the news about what he can do with walking, talking testimonies. No, this isn’t about a single ministry. This is about a single Savior who gives us courage, grace and love all the way through the process.

So, what is the point? The point is that recovery is for anyone who wants a new life with Christ. No matter what hurt, habit, or hang-up you might have. The point is that we are called to be a witness to what amazing things Christ can do with ordinary people like you and me. The point is, we are called to be God’s ambassadors and share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Do you believe that Christ died for your sins, and if so, how do you feel about that?
  2. Is there anything in your life you need to surrender and allow God to heal?
  3. How does it feel to be an ambassador for Christ?