1 Chronicles 1-9 is one of the places in Scripture that can (if we are being honest) sometimes feel pointless to read. It contains lists upon lists of names from ancient times. So why are these in the Bible? There is only limited space on the scrolls, so why did God, through the ancient authors, want these names included?  

The key comes in 1 Chronicles 9:1-3. We hear of how the people of Judah had returned from exile in Babylon (about 538 BC). The next chapter jumps back over 400 years in time to the death of King Saul and the reign of King David. Throughout the 400+ years between the rule of King Saul and the Babylon exile, Israel saw many ups and downs, good kings and bad kings, victories, and defeats. By starting off with the genealogies, we realize that God has been faithful to each of his children from generation to generation. He even knows their names! 

Right now, life might feel like we live in exile. The “normal” has been stripped away, and we feel like strangers even in our own lives. But as we read every single one of the 100+ names, we can say: 

“God has been faithful to them, and God will be faithful to me.” 

Because just as their names are written in the royal Chronicles of Ancient Israel, your name is written in the Book of Life! 

Questions for reflection: 

  • In April at Hope, we shared “Hope Stories” of how God has been moving in the lives of those in our church community. Where have you seen God’s promises and goodness in your own life? 
  • What are stories of redemption that you have seen in your life or in this world that give you the confidence of God’s work in your life?