As a parent of two young children, I feel like a phrase I say about a thousand times a day is “Watch out!” As children, we’re not always aware of the dangers and pitfalls around us. Children can also be so focused on the present that they’re not thinking long term.

As God’s children, because of his great love for us, we’re given several “watch out” messages in Mark 13. These warnings are not about our physical safety as much as the condition of our souls. The theme of Mark 13 is summed up in the final two verses of the chapter in verses 36-37. “If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone:‘Watch!’”

Often chapters concerning the “end times” like Mark 13  are met with fear and trepidation, with Jesus’ words somehow being used to scare us into putting our faith in Jesus. Yes, there is certainly an urgency to Jesus’ words: “Watch out!” “Be ready!” But don’t miss the promise and hope included in passages like verses 26 and 27: “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”

Three undeniable truths from Mark 13: Jesus will return one day, no one knows when (so be careful who you put your trust in), and, for those who have put their faith in him, we will be taken to be with Jesus forever.

Rather than spending our time speculating and filling our hearts and minds with myths and fear tactics, make sure your heart is right. Have you put your eternal hope in Jesus? Then get busy waiting. Love, serve, give, invite, share the good news with everyone you can. “Watch out!” Jesus is coming soon! And what a glorious day that will be.


  • When you think of the “end times,” what images fill your mind at first? Are they generally hope-filled, or fear-inducing? Why?
  • In verse 36, Jesus says, If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.” What are some ways we “fall asleep” spiritually? How can we “wake up”?