Our lives are purpose-driven. We come into this world, grow up, and look for our purpose or path. Some people know from when they are very little what their path will be because they might follow in their parent’s footsteps…maybe carry on the family business, farm, military line, etc. Some people don’t know until they have gone to college or searched for a career that they love.  

Some people set out on the journey of life and have no relationship with God. They don’t seek his guidance or direction and they go in the direction they feel most drawn to. And sometimes people go in the exact opposite direction that God may be leading them.

I know for me, when I was in my 20s I had a career that was great. I don’t really think I had a relationship with God, and I know for certain that I never asked him what direction he would have me go. I made many bad decisions in my young life before I cultivated a relationship with God. I know that if I had asked God if I should…. do drugs, gamble away mortgage payments, be unfaithful in my marriage, or sell drugs… I am pretty sure the answer would have been a solid NO.

My destructive path was stopped the minute I asked God to stop it. He didn’t stop it the way I would have liked, but it was the exact way I needed it to happen so my path would take a turn for the good. I told God I didn’t want to live that way anymore and he had an officer and the courts change my path.

I realized that God had intervened in my life and saved me. I decided then that I would never turn my back on the one who saved me. And you know what? God has blessed my journey ever since. God does not promise that our journey will be easy, but he will go into battle with us when it is hard. If we do not turn away from God, no matter what, he can and will orchestrate our paths and walk through everything with us here and into eternity. Seek him. Ask him. Follow him. He will always be with you.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Are you more apt to TELL God YOUR plans or ASK God HIS plans?
  2. When was the last time you felt God leading you in one direction and you wanted to go the other?
  3. Can you think of a time when you didn’t ask God what he would like you to do and your plans fell apart? Did you blame God or repent?