May 15, 2023 – Acts 15

He made no distinction between us and them, for he cleansed their hearts through faith. – Acts 15:9

We live in a world obsessed with dividing everyone into camps of “us and them.” Democrats & Republicans. Black & White. Rich & Poor. Young & Old. Yankees & Red Sox. Hawkeyes & Cyclones. You name it, and there’s likely a way to split things into categories of “us and them.”

But is that good for us? Who benefits from all that division anyway?

Better question, how does God see us? Is dividing people really his top priority?

Now we can all agree there are certain times in life when division is helpful. Like when you’re driving down the interstate, it’s to our benefit to have a lane for “us” and a lane for “them!”

But when it comes to figuring out who is worthy of God’s love, who Jesus died for on the cross, and who can have assurance of their eternal salvation, the Bible is very clear…

…we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus. – Acts 15:11

The apostle Peter spoke these words. Reminding everyone who could hear him that when Jesus died on the cross, he did so for all people. No one has ever “earned” their way into heaven, and no one ever will. It is only by the grace of Jesus Christ that you are saved. It’s our only hope!

As followers of Jesus (just like Peter) we too are called to lift our voices allowing God to work through our lives to UNITE this world, not to divide it. This is not easy work, but with God ALL things are possible.

If you really think someone has wandered away from God, don’t waste your time playing the game of “us and them.” Instead, ask God to allow your voice to be the one he uses to bring people back to him!

…there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away! – Luke 15:7

Today, spend a moment reflecting on the amazing grace you have received from God. Then, go share his love with everyone you encounter!