Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot–yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. Isaiah 11:1 

“Unless God made it, it will break down and need to be fixed.” 

This is one of the many sayings I have inherited from my father over the years and it is absolutely true. We human beings are incredibly resourceful and crafty. I often watch aircraft fly over our beloved Des Moines metro and stand in awe at our ability to create something large enough and powerful enough to not only get off the ground but carry passengers and gear long distances while also being able to return to the ground with such grace. 

We have accomplished a lot over the years the earth has existed. Sure we can fly, but we can also now communicate instantly via video with someone on the other side of the planet. We can take out someone’s heart and gently put an alternative one back in. We can leave our beloved atmosphere and stand on the moon. Again, we humans are a resourceful bunch. 

We can do a lot. But what we cannot do is govern ourselves very well. Temptations, frustrations and aggravations get the best of us. Any relationship or responsibility placed in our care can start with the greatest of promise and still end up in dire circumstances. 

The nation is Israel knows about this. As much as David’s leadership as king is hailed as God’s gift to the nation, Isaiah sees further down the road and it’s not good. He uses the image of a stump to describe the carnage. The fruit-bearing tree that God planted as God molded and shaped David into the leader he was will be followed by soiled leadership and falling away from God. 

But there’s hope. 

A shoot will grow. A new branch will emerge. Fruit will appear. 

And if the rest of Isaiah 11 is any indication, it will be pretty tasty stuff. 

This fruit, or should I say this savior “will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment.” (verse 5) He will “give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited.” (verse 4)  

In short, he’ll turn the world upside down…or should I say right side up? 

This Christmas we worship the arrival of the new fruit-bearing shoot coming out of the stump. He wants to produce fruit in our lives. He’s come to turn our worlds upside down in the best possible way. 

Questions for reflection: 

  1. What amazes you most about human achievement? 
  2. What amazes you most about how unable we are to create peace in our world? 
  3. Where do you sense God might be inviting you to surrender to him and allow him to cultivate some tasty fruit in your life?