We are one body, united in Christ. That’s a core value here at Hope. As your body functions, each system, each organ, down to each cell and the tiny organelles that make up our cells, have a specific role to play. Everything needs to work together for you to function properly. If the church is a body, united in who and where God has called us, then we – all together – are the pieces that make it “go.”
The early church started simply by word-of-mouth. People couldn’t stop talking about the resurrected Messiah, this Savior, named Jesus Christ. As this news spread, people were risking their lives to talk about it and start “being the church” together. The early church had no choice but to wholly depend on one another. They were the first (really good, but certainly not perfect) example of one body, united in Christ. They were united, they testified powerfully, there were no needy people among them and they shared everything they had. Every person was a piece of the system that made it “go.” And that early church spread like wildfire!
Even today, each one of us has something unique to share with those around us. When the church functions the way God planned for it to function, there should be no needy people among us; we should be completely united in the mission God has called us to. What stops you from bringing your unique gifts and resources to give in service to the body of Christ? Perhaps we think no one wants what we have to offer … or we don’t have anything to offer … or someone else will surely fill that need … the list goes on.
Our resources, our talents, our unique gifts are not really ours, church. They are God’s! He is the one who has gifted us with our things and talents and resources. And giving them back to him is simply an act of surrender in which we acknowledge, “Lord, you can do far more with my strengths, talents, and resources than I could ever do with them on my own.”
What if … there could be no needy people among us?
What if … the church could share everything we have?
What if … we could all be united in heart in mind?
It’s possible, church!
Simply repeat this over and over again today …
I give everything and everyone to you, Lord. I trust you. Amen.