Suppose you sin by violating one of the Lord’s commands. Even if you are unaware of what you have done, you are guilty…” – Leviticus 5:17

Ever been to a store where they have those little security barriers near the entryway? You know the ones with sensors and sirens to make sure you can’t just steal a book or walk off with a bag full of expensive clothes?

Have you ever been around when someone walked out and the alarm went off? The person usually doesn’t take off running like a thief, but instead, they raise their arms above their head and look around frantically trying to convince everyone they’re not a criminal. Eyebrows raised with a slight look of embarrassment on their face, anxiously waiting for someone to come help turn off the sirens and release them back into a life of quiet.

In most cases, the cashier just forgot to take off that little plastic thing they attach to your jeans or hide inside your new clothes. Usually, it’s just a false alarm, no foul play is involved. No one intentionally tried to commit a crime, but the siren of guilt still rang loud enough for all to hear; stopping everyone in their tracks and drawing unwanted eyes of judgment.

The same is true in our spiritual life. There are times when you and I are just going about our day, not trying to break any rules, in fact, most would claim we’re usually trying to be a “good person,” yet the Bible says we end up violating the Lord’s commands even when we are unaware.

In these moments, our thoughts, our words, or even our actions have made us guilty of sin. The alarm bells go off, and we need help.

Did you know, God is so holy and so perfect that even our unintentional sin makes us guilty in his presence? Ignorance does not equal innocence. Even if we are unaware of the sin we have committed, our unawareness does not get us off the hook. There is still a consequence to be paid.

The Bible says that consequence is death. (Romans 3:23)

Whoa. The death penalty for a mistake we didn’t even know we made?!

Yep. Serious trouble.

The Bible is abundantly clear, all have fallen short, everyone is guilty, and we all need a savior (to rescue us when the alarm bells go off). No one can escape sin, and pleading with God that you were unaware of your mistakes won’t help either!

But don’t panic, God is not surprised. In fact, at just the right time, while you were still far away from God (unaware of your mistakes) God sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die for you. Before you were ever born, Jesus gave up his life as an offering, a sacrifice, for you.

While he was hanging there on the cross, he looked down at those who had just driven the nails through his hands and through his feet and he spoke these words.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…” – Luke 23:34

These words, full of amazing grace and forgiveness still ring true for you and me today. God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness are available to you (even when you don’t know what you’re doing).

So, take a moment to thank God for his incredible love, poured out on the cross, which has you covered all the time; even when you don’t realize it.

Question for reflection:

  • Is there anyone in your life who has offended you (and they don’t even realize it)? Can you forgive them, in the same way God has forgiven you?