More than 80 years after the first wave of exiles left Babylon to return to Jerusalem, another group of Israelites, led by Ezra, journeyed from captivity in Babylon back to the Promised Land. The prophet Isaiah envisioned this return as a second Exodus and just like in the first Exodus, God protected his people along the way.

We know that not all the Israelites returned from Exile when they were given the chance by the Persian king Cyrus the Great; there was no obligation to leave and go to a place many of them had never seen. At the time of the Exile, many people followed the advice of the prophet Jeremiah and settled in Babylon, had families, built houses and businesses, and made friends. So, when Ezra set out for Jerusalem, they chose to stay where they had put down roots and made a life for themselves and their families.

If you compare the names in the list of those returning to Jerusalem in Ezra 8 to the list of returnees in Ezra 2, you’ll find many of the same names. It’s possible that the families who arrived first in Jerusalem sent messages to others to join them. Each generation had the chance to decide whether they would stay or if they would go. They could look at the experience of their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents and regardless of whether their family was happy to stay in Babylon or return to Jerusalem, they could make a different choice.

For God’s people, the Exodus wasn’t a one-time event and if you missed it, you were out of luck. Instead, the Exodus is an ongoing opportunity, including for us today. Each generation, family, and individual is invited to follow God’s call! 

Will you stay or will you go?

Questions for reflection:

  • What stories do your family members share about your grandparents and great-grandparents?
  • How does your family influence how you see yourself? The world? God?
  • What choices have you made that are different than your family’s choices?