Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-14

Imagine, for a moment, a desperate, mourning Mordecai. His penetrating whispers strike the heart of a fearful Esther. He has yet to steer her wrong, and yet, she is terrified. Her wise uncle, now bent and covered with ashes, pleads through her servant. “If you remain silent Esther, God will find another way to bring deliverance… but don’t think keeping quiet will save you! Can’t you see? This very time may be why you are in this position!”

As we read today’s passage, our hearts can’t help but be stirred by the plight of this desperate, new queen. Wasn’t the preparation, the pageant, the act of being chosen enough?  Wisdom would be to stay in the shadows. Keep quiet. Do not speak. Do not make waves.

But Mordecai knows the urgency of the hour. It is time to speak. As a picture of the Holy Spirit, Mordecai brings conviction. And that conviction cries “Step into your call Queen Esther. For this, you were made!”

How, though, might a queen prepare for such a political chess match?

Does she just wing it, waltzing into the presence of the King?

Does she cause a coup, running the streets of Susa crying out for justice? 

In a moment of divine wisdom, she humbles herself. She asks those she trusts to join her. Not to lead a rebellion, but to fast and pray.

Queen Ester knew her God had to go before her. Preparation for a move this daring needed God’s direction. God’s Spirit would need to prepare her heart and the heart of the king.

God is not interested in cosmic “If then” statements… He is not an “if you fast, I will do what you want” genie. Esther understands that in verse 4:16 as she gives her uncle Mordecai instructions knowing she may die.

As evil’s ugly head rises, so does the Queen. Not for herself… but for the sake of God’s people.

We, too, get a choice to rise to circumstances with faith or slink back in fear and remain silent.

Questions for reflection:

  1. As you think and pray about Esther’s grim state of affairs, what stands out to you about Esther and Mordecai’s approach to dealing with the evil rising against them?
  2. Think about a time you were presented with what seemed to be an insurmountable challenge. As you look back now, can you see where God’s hand or guidance met you? If not, ask him to show you where he was.
  3. Are you dealing with something today that seems too big to carry? Pause and ask Holy Spirit to come and meet you in the challenge. Ask for God to bring you wisdom and strategy for his glory.

Faithful and Holy God, In your Word you say there is a time for every event under heaven… A time to be silent and a time to speak. I confess there have been times you asked me to speak up and I felt afraid. I ask your Holy Spirit to come. Bolster and strengthen me like you did with Queen Esther. Bring marvelous comrades of faith around me. I invite your Spirit to help me boldly do what you have called me to do. AMEN