Singing in choir every Wednesday evening is a great midweek pick-me-up. St. Augustine is credited with saying, “To sing is to pray twice.” No surprise that an hour of singing/praying is just what my soul needs!

One of my favorite choir songs is “This Is My Word,” based on Isaiah 55:10-12 – part of our Bible reading for today. The piece begins with our voices in unison, declaring just as the rain and snow fall to water the thirsty, dry earth, God’s word falls to bring renewal and blessing to all who hear it. Each time we sing “This is my Word,” the volume increases and the chords become more complex and compelling until it feels like the piece is at the climax.

But then the song becomes very honest when we quietly sing, “O Lord when I am weary, when I feel the days I’m living are in vain.” Haven’t we all been there? Life with God isn’t all mountaintop experiences. The singers plead, “My God help me be faithful to the word you have given to proclaim.”

In the midst of sorrow and struggle, we ask to be faithful to the only thing that has power to bring joy out of grief – God’s word. God’s word will not return empty! It goes out in joy; we are “led forth in peace” and even creation will celebrate!

God’s love and care will continue all the days of our lives! God promises, “I will go before you, and when your earthly journey here is done, I’ll say well done. Well done!” This is the climax of the song … and of our lives here on earth!

Each time we sing this anthem, I fight to hold back tears. God’s promise to care for us, to lead us, to give us joy, is indescribable – setting his words to music conveys how high and wide and deep his love is for us.

Give a listen and sink into God’s promises for you! 

Questions for reflection:

  • Do you tend to see God as a God of scarcity or abundance? Why?
  • Does Isaiah believe God is a God of scarcity or abundance? What verses from today’s reading support your answer?
  • Reread Isaiah 55:10-12 and pray for God to feed you with his word and lead you with his joy!