May 12, 2023 – Acts 12-13:12  

Our scripture today begins with a miraculous Holy Spirit-aided prison break. Peter basically walks out of prison with an angel leading him. He went to the home of Mary, the mother of John. (Mark vs. 12). When he arrived we have a quick funny moment… When Peter knocked on the door, the servant girl instead of opening the door, ran to tell the others. She left Peter outside. Such a teenager move! And we can only imagine Peter standing outside wondering why she didn’t just let him in. He told the believers to spread the word about what happened. And the Good News went out! 

Meanwhile, Barnabas and Saul, who we also call Paul, were doing the same thing. Traveling around sharing the Good News with any who would hear. Something important to remember is that there are still those in power who wanted to quell this movement of Christ. James, brother of John, was killed not long ago. So the risk was still great! And yet, they still went out to spread the word about what God had done.  

Here is the truth. The word of God cannot be restrained… It goes out. First through Peter, and then through Barnabas and Saul/Paul. Neither prison nor the threat of harm deterred the followers from sharing the message. What is stopping you?

If you recall from Pastor Mike’s message from April 29-30, we have no problem celebrating our favorite sports teams, musicians, etc. But when it comes to inviting people to church to hear the Good News, more often than not, we keep it to ourselves. Why is that? We don’t need to fear imprisonment or death. Is it because we are afraid that those we might invite will say no? Or worse yet, we don’t feel worthy of inviting anyone.

Regardless of the reason, the truth is that we are both the greatest reason for the spread of the Good News and the greatest detractor of spreading it. We need not fear though, because God is on our side! So who are you going to invite to church this weekend? 

Questions for reflection:  

  1. What has held you back in the past from sharing the Good News? 
  2. Write down 3-5 names of people you are going to invite either today or very soon to come to church.