Have you ever gotten a stain on your favorite shirt?  

It was Christmas day and I had received a sweatshirt that I was super excited about, so naturally, I had to wear it the rest of the day! I am getting ready for the day to head to my grandparents’ house when I look down to see a dark spot on the front of the sweater. Instantly I think “Oh no, I have to get this out!” I start putting water on it; I start drying it with my hair dryer; I move to drying it in the dryer, and I am trying everything to get this stain out! 

All these things I did to fix it fast made it a lot worse… The sweatshirt was now left with a discolored blob in the middle. This little stain has now brought me to tears on Christmas day because I knew someone had spent money and picked this out especially for me. I was now filled with guilt and shame over a little stain (that probably would have come out if I hadn’t tried to fix it so fast). 

My first reaction to the stain was “Oh no, I have to fix this!” My first reaction to my failure was “Oh no, I ruined it.”  

What is your first reaction to a stain? What is your first reaction when you sin? 

Sometimes we can react to sin by trying to fix it ourselves. Sometimes when we sin, we try to hide it or cover it up, “At least I didn’t do _________”, or “I didn’t actually _______”. Sometimes our reaction to sin is guilt and shame, feeling less than or like a failure…  

In our reading, the psalmist says, “Blot out the stain of my sins. Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.” (Psalm 51:1-2). The psalmist, David, gets a “stain” (sin) and brings it directly to God. David knows he can’t get the stain out on his own, so he brings it to the One who can. 

On the cross, Jesus washed away our sins. By his blood, we are made clean.  

You don’t have to rush to fix your own stain. You don’t have to try and hide it or cover it up. You don’t have to feel guilty or ashamed for what you have done.  

Through our stains, we are reminded of our need for Jesus. Our first reaction to a stain can be bringing it to God because of what he has already done on the cross.  

Jesus is the ultimate stain remover. Bring your stains to Jesus and watch him blot them out and wash you clean.  

Questions for reflection: 

  1. What is your first reaction to your sin? 
  1. How can you, TODAY, bring your stains to Jesus?