As we read the passages of Scripture found in the action-packed literary masterpiece of the Gospel of Mark, we encounter the very heart of God and how he unexpectedly reveals himself in and through the person of Jesus Christ. In these stories and throughout the entirety of the biblical narrative, we read about this radical and transformative love that transcends all boundaries—cultural, social, ethnic, economic, and even religious—pointing us to the inclusiveness of God’s radical and transformative love for all humanity. An inclusive love that we still struggle to understand in our world today.
We encounter a God who goes out of his way to reach out to the Gentiles, performs miraculous healings, feeds the hungry, and even challenges the hardened hearts of the Pharisees. God’s radical and transformative love isn’t based on our status or worthiness. It is a gift freely given to all in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All we must do is believe, just as the Syrophoenician woman believed Jesus could heal her little girl (Mark 7:24-30).
Maybe today you find yourself being challenged by God’s radical and transformative love, and like the Pharisees, you are wondering, God really loves that person? YES, God does! As you read the inspired word of God today, I encourage you to do so with the lens that there is nothing and no one beyond the reach of God’s love, and as followers of Jesus Christ, we should not limit who we share and show this love to. Jesus loves you, all of you!
- As you think about God’s radical love in your life, what are some ways he has shown up and continued to be faithful?
- In our Scripture passages today, we are reminded that God’s love is not exclusive and only for some people. As you think about this, how does this impact or change the ways you share the promise of the Gospel?
- Write down three ways you can share God’s love this week.