We hear the enduring and intimate words of hope and consolation spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, urging God’s people to repent and turn to God. As we read the text, we are reminded that God’s people were slow to listen to Jeremiah, if they listened at all. However, Jeremiah was obedient to God and continued to faithfully and courageously proclaim the Word of God, despite the people’s unwillingness to respond. Still, centuries later, Jeremiah encourages us and points us to God’s restorative action in redeeming and reconciling his people. Again and again, God shows up and relentlessly pursues us despite our rejection of that love.  

Through Jeremiah’s carefully spoken words, we are reminded of God’s great compassion, everlasting love, and mercy, embracing and holding us in our moments of great pain. Just as God promises restoration to Israel, Judah, and even the Gentiles, we too can have assurance because of God’s redemptive plan in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our sins and the refusal to listen to God and God’s ways no longer hold us captive. We are free because of God’s abundant love poured out in Jesus Christ. This act of love transforms how we walk out our Christian faith and proclaim God’s holy and active Word to those around us. We are also encouraged to continue to deepen our relationship with God. As believers, we are restored and made new, again and again.  

Questions for reflection: 

  1. How is God restoring you?
  2. In what ways have you experienced God’s compassion, love, and mercy?
  3. How are you sharing the Good News?