Tuesday, June 27, 2023 – 1 Corinthians 2

Words are powerful. An eloquent speaker can alter emotions, worldviews, and spark change in the world for good or for bad! But to grasp the Wisdom of the Cross, Paul reminds the Corinthians who were very used to eloquent speeches from politicians, philosophers, and religious leaders, that he had something more powerful than cleaver words – a demonstration of the Spirit's power.

Human understanding alone cannot fathom the profound wisdom of God. It is through the Holy Spirit that we begin to grasp who God is, who we are, and what the world is really like. Usually happens first by experience then rationality comes after we are willing to examine the supernatural with more than our natural means. Paul states in verse 12, "We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us." In other words, if Christianity is going to click for us, we need the Holy Spirit's help!

This feels challenging for many because we are not only separated from God by our sin, but the wisdom of the world is the air we breathe and is often contradictory to God’s wisdom. It’s the lens we use when we read the Bible, hear God’s Word preached, and listen for God’s voice. To hear God well requires a posture of humility, receiving his grace, an openness to God moving in ways we don’t expect or understand yet, and critical thinking toward everything, including the prevailing wisdom of the world or counterfeit forms of genuine Christianity.

The Holy Spirit wants to help you comprehend the wisdom of God. Sometimes that happens through eloquent words. But can you remember the main point of the eloquent sermon you heard a few months back? Maybe. Or do you remember how the Holy Spirit aligned those words (no matter how eloquent or simple) to come to you at just the time you needed them? Chances are it was the Spirit movement that impacted you rather than how entertaining or engaging the preacher was! No matter the speaker, worship leader, or what is on the agenda for today, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to you and to lead you into all truth today. That’s a prayer God loves to say yes to!

Questions for reflection:

  1. Do you tend to ask God to help you understand him or tend to depend on the words and actions of other people to understand him?
  2. What do you need most for the Spirit to guide you? A humble posture? Forgiveness? Openness to the Spirit? Thinking critically? What is your next step to get that?