Isaiah is split into two sections, with the first 40 chapters describing judgment. Isaiah speaks to the corruption and tries to get the people to understand the true nature of God. However, they continue to sin and live in a way that does not honor God.

The last portion of Isaiah moves us from a place of asking that we return and repent, with the promise of renewal, redemption, and rejoicing. Here we are given the hope of a new creation through the forgiveness that God provides.

Both explain in poems and prayers what will happen to the wicked and who will inherit the Kingdom. Another example of God’s economy turning things in the world right side up as it is not the corrupt who will receive the gift of a new world.

One of the things that stood out in reading these chapters is the idea of true fasting. I have fasted many times, for many different reasons. For the most part it is usually to cleanse my body of all the junk and to connect with God in a deeper way; a reset, so to speak. All of which seem like good reasons. However, Isaiah reminds us that it is not the fasting but the position of our hearts when we do this that matters. He challenges us to consider that if we are fasting, but have sin or hate in our heart or are not truly helping others who are in need, perhaps our hearts are not where they need to be.

While we may believe we are fasting for the right reason, it is possible that we are not completely aligned with God in doing so. Perhaps there are some blind spots in our desire to fast. This reminds me that one of the most important parts of starting a fast is our conversation with God beforehand. These quiet times with God allow us to get ourselves right by listening to where he wants to move during our time of fast and paying attention to his timing and purpose for us. This is a step I often miss as a I plunge straight in with my own goals and ideas in mind. I am thankful for this reminder of what beautiful fruit can be produced by a fast when we are in the right posture.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Have you ever set aside a time to fast? What fruit was produced during this time?
  2. Why does the posture of our heart matter and what difference could it make?
  3. Think of a time where your goal was not achieved but God had a better plan?