“Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’” Isaiah 45:9

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher had us do an art project involving clay. The instructions were simple.

  1. Use your clay to shape your favorite animal (I chose a dog).
  2. The clay will need to dry overnight, so everyone needs to carefully place their new creations over in the corner of the room in the designated “drying” area and be careful when doing so!

As the first-born child, I was careful to follow both instructions perfectly!

However, the next morning when I arrived to check on my (now, solid as a rock) piece of clay creation, I was devastated to see what had happened! Some other (careless) student in our class had STEPPED right on top of my beautiful clay dog, and now my once perfect creation looked like a giant shoeprint with a tiny little tail.

Worst of all, I couldn’t re-shape it. It was rock hard and completely ruined.

I was instantly sad. How could this happen?! I began scouring the soles of everyone’s feet during circle time trying to match up the treads of their feet with the footprint on my clay dog’s back! I wanted justice and told my parents I would need to wrap up my investigation soon (before winter started) as it would then be “boot” season, as all my leads on treads would be lost!

Winter arrived, and I never did find out who did it, and I never got justice for my little clay dog.

However, I learned an important life lesson about clay and one that is echoed in the words of the prophet Isaiah, when he reminds us that we (creation) are the clay, and God (creator) is the one who shapes us.

Who are we (the clay) to say to our creator – that he is shaping us incorrectly? The clay has no say in the matter… if it did, my little clay dog would have certainly barked before getting stepped on!

The hard truth is, sometimes we end up taking on a different shape than we ever envisioned for ourselves. But who are we to complain?

There’s good news, though. No matter what shape you’re in, with God, you’re always in good hands.

Prayer: Lord, you are the creator of my life. Shape me as you will, all for your glory! Into your hands I trust my life. No matter what shape I’m in, I know that with you, I’m in good hands. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.