Hope is a funny thing. And I’m not talking about Lutheran Church of Hope, though we are definitely funny!

I’m talking about hope that is both an emotion and a way of thinking. Hope imagines and reaches for a better future. The emotion part of hope is a sense of trust in others and a feeling that you can both care for and be cared for by others. People with strong relationships tend to have more hope. The thinking part of hope is the ability to work toward that preferred future and knowing the steps to take.

Hope is a powerful thing. People who have hope, despite being imprisoned in concentration or prison camps, are more likely to survive. Patients with hope often respond better to treatment of illness.

Since hope is so powerful, what do you place your hope in? Looking at our culture, a visitor from another planet would assume many of us hope in our jobs, bank accounts, and retirement plans. Others seem to trust in their educational achievement or athletic ability. Others put their hope in position or power or popularity. And others hope in their families, friends or network of acquaintances.

Hoping in these things isn’t bad … until they fail. Jobs are lost, popularity wanes, age impacts our athletic talents, family and friends are only human and mess up. Is there someplace we can put our ultimate hope that won’t fail and leave us hanging?

Our Bible verse for today gives us the answer. The prophet Isaiah told the people of God they should put their hope in the servant who would not trample on others, who would speak softly and not harshly, and who would bring justice to the world (Isaiah 42:1-4). Matthew quotes this verse, pointing out that Jesus is the servant God sent into the world, to be the hope of the world.

Jesus brings our best future, greater than we can imagine! Jesus is the one we can trust. Jesus cares for us. Jesus knows the way, and shows the way, to the life of joy and love and peace we long for.

When we hope in Jesus, we know our future is bright, regardless of what today looks like. And that hope (including the church) is something to be shared with the world!

Heavenly Father, Jesus is the hope of our world. Help me to hold onto Jesus as my best hope and show me how I can share that hope with the world around me. Amen.