Our daughter was married in October and for those of you who haven’t been involved in planning a wedding in the last several years, let me tell you, the number of details and decisions are astounding! 

I wasn’t surprised by the details surrounding the venue or the caterer or the care needed when arranging the seating chart. I admit I was surprised how tricky coordinating travel from the hotels to the ceremony was, whether or not to have “welcome bags” at the hotels for when the guests checked in, or how early hair and makeup for the bride and bridesmaids started. Having the best wedding coordinator in the world was crucial when our daughter threatened to throw in the towel and just elope!

But all the tears and frustrations and arguments faded away when our daughter looked into the eyes of her groom and you not only saw but felt the love they have for each other. It was all I had ever hoped and prayed for her.

In Revelation Chapter 19, we finally see that all the preceding chaos and destruction was leading up to this moment when the Bride steps forward to meet her Groom. The image of the Bride and Groom is an image of a relationship. The entire book of Revelation is focused on the relationship between God and his people. Will it be a relationship where the people are faithful like the Bride, or unfaithful like the prostitute?

The previous chapters of Revelation showed what happened to those who were unfaithful, and it wasn’t pretty. Now we hear the songs surrounding the Bride who is beautifully dressed for her Groom.

I’d rather be at the wedding, wouldn’t you?

Questions for reflection

  1. Revelation calls followers of Jesus to resist sin and evil especially when it is found in a preoccupation with wealth, a callous disregard of violence, and the idea that it doesn’t matter what you call “god.” How does this challenge Christians in the western world today? How does it challenge you personally?
  2. How do you take comfort in God’s promises and take his warnings seriously?

Old Testament reading: Habakkuk 1-3