“And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God.” Titus 2:12 

Have you ever had to put something together where you needed to follow instructions? Maybe you were assembling a new piece of furniture? Or a baby crib? Maybe you were putting together a brand-new toy or helping a child with their Lego set. Maybe you had to follow instructions when making a new recipe for a delicious meal.

Whatever it was you were putting together, the process of following instructions can be challenging. With every step along the way, we’re tempted to say “Okay, I think I got it from here…” as we take our eyes off the instructions and instead focus our attention on the task at hand.

Now, that might work when putting together the bolts and boards of a new bookshelf or baking a box of brownies. But is the idea of taking our eyes off the instructions a good idea when it comes to turning from godless living and sinful pleasures?

The temptation follows the same pattern of thinking, “Okay, I got it from here…” I can turn from godless living on my own. I can live a life devoted to God without much more study of his Word, without reading the Bible very often anymore. The temptation is to arrive at a point in life where we say, “Okay, I think I got it from here…” But is that wise?

If we are truly going to live in this evil world with wisdom and devotion to God, it’s helpful to know the instructions.

Fortunately, God’s word is available to us. If only we make the time to read his instructions with an open heart.

So today, devote more time to reading God’s Word. Make a plan for when you’ll read the Bible each day and trust God will guide you through this world as you do!