We have all suffered through hardship or loss. This section of Job includes the third of Job’s three friends attempting to explain the reason behind Job’s suffering. It also includes Job’s response to Zophar’s interpretation and Job’s plea to God to understand why he is being punished so severely.   

There are important lessons that we can take from this passage. It is not our place to judge the reasons for another person’s situation. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people and even good things happen to good people. There are situations where people are punished for a sin in their past, but God is the only one who fully knows the circumstances.   

A second (and for me more important lesson) from this passage has to do with the friends who came to Job and tried to interpret the situation for him. They tried to convince Job that he was being punished for some hidden transgression, but Job knew he had been a faithful man. While it was important for Job’s friends to offer support, the way they were doing this was not necessarily helpful.   

Writing a devotion is terrifying for me. I will procrastinate much longer than I should. I will pray for guidance in coming up with a message. I look around and it looks so easy for some; it makes me wonder why it is so hard for me. I prayed last night after reading the passage again and then when I was doing my own study this morning it became clear. The passage in my devotion this morning was from Galatians 6:2 and reads, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” How do I apply this to the passage from Job? When you are suffering or experiencing some type of trial it is important to accept the help of those around you. Likewise, when we see that someone else is suffering, we are called to offer our support which may simply be a listening ear.   

Questions for reflection:

  1. Whether things are going well or you are experiencing a trial, are you maintaining your faith in God and trusting that he will provide what you need?   
  1. Are there people in your life who are offering you support or encouragement that you need to acknowledge or accept?  
  1. Looking around, is there someone who needs your support today?