I AM READY TO GO! Wait. no, I’m not. YES! I AM, IT IS GOING TO BE SO FUN! No, this is so scary – I could never. I TRUST YOU! My heart is racing…but can I, do it?

Those are many of the different phrases I heard when my son was deciding if he would go on his first roller coaster, The Tornado. He ended up doing it and the anticipation of going up the ride (click…click…click…can you hear it?) and then the thrill and fear of going down the first big hill. Then the fast turn with a scream. Then, that was the best thing ever!! Life is like a roller coaster.

I feel like the book of Psalms can sometimes take us on a roller coaster through emotions. Yet, almost weekly I find myself in my Bible reading a Psalm; they bring such comfort in knowing I am not alone in what I am feeling. So many can translate to the life that I am living. The Psalms seem to be a mix of petition and crying out but also praise and celebration which then quickly turns to setback and struggle, but then triumph and trust. And isn’t that how each day, week, moment feels when we truly look at who we are in this life?

Psalms 9-12 are kind of like a roller coaster for King David. Psalm 9 declares a tone of victory over evil. Psalm 10 has a more lamenting tone, crying out to God. Psalm 11 declares a trust in God and belief that he is in control over fear & temptation. Psalm 12 makes known the difference between the proud words of culture and the pure words of God. As you read through these Psalms it is like David takes you on the roller coaster of his life. We can face that every day in the workplace, with our family, in our social groups and even at church.

These Psalms can remind us that we can choose to seek positive intent in our co-workers, family members, neighbors because our God is present in all situations, and he declares who we are so we can live out our intentions God’s way. We can cry out to God at any moment; in the car, while making dinner or having a conversation because he is near to each of us. We can live through the hard days and trust that God has us because his promises are pure. So next time your day feels “all over the place,” first, pick up your Bible and read God’s timeless truths and then remember the first time you did something hard and maybe it was even a ride on a roller coaster and God, who is faithful, is with you in all the ups, downs, twists and turns. 

The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment…The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:7, 9-10 (NIV)

Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? Psalm 10:1 (NIV)

But the Lord is in his holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely examining every person on earth. Psalm 11:4

The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. Psalm 12:6

Questions for reflection:

  • When you have “roller coaster” days what do you turn to? Is what you turn to helpful?
  • When reading the book of Psalms (particularly Psalms 9-12), which one resonates with you most and why?