Often what we’re looking for is right under our noses.

Recently, I was in a rush to get out of the door and I couldn’t find my phone. I looked all over the house and even had my family searching on my behalf. Until my wife said, “Are you sure it’s not in your pocket?”

“Of course!” I responded. Only to check one more time and there it was … in my pocket the whole time.

Often what we’re looking for is right under our noses.

This is certainly true of the religious establishment when Jesus performed his earthly ministry. In Mark 11:26-12:44 we encounter a series of interactions Jesus had with the chief priests, teachers of the Law, and elders—essentially, the religious leaders of the time. Caught up in the rigid structure of hundreds of Old Testament laws, they were seeking to be God-fearing, devout leaders. But what they were missing was the living Word, the fulfillment of the law—Jesus himself was right in front of them!

Not only were they missing the Messiah standing right in front of them, Jesus’ presence and ministry actually threatened them. It’s one thing to be indifferent, it’s another to be antagonistic.

In Mark 11:13 we read, “Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words.” Notice it doesn’t say, “They came with their hearts surrendered and to learn from Jesus.” Instead, their hearts were already closed off and looking to prove Jesus wrong. And Jesus knew this.

My challenge for us today is this: Are you coming to Jesus on his terms or yours? Do you have an agenda, or are you genuinely open to being challenged and changed?

Often what we’re looking for is right under our noses.


  • Why do you think Jesus used so many parables (stories) in these Scripture passages to confront the religious leaders?
  • Read Mark 12:28-33. The Pharisees asked Jesus for one commandment greater than all the others. It seems like Jesus gave them two commands. What do you think Jesus means by his answer?