“Then when they were alone, he turned to the disciples and said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you have seen. I tell you, many prophets and kings longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.” Luke 10:23-24

In our reading today we see church happening. We see people reading and interpreting the Word of God (8:8), worship taking place (8:6), meals being shared (8:10), and lives being changed (8:9-10). We are told that people were weeping as they listened to the word of God (8:9) and that celebrations took place with great joy (8:12). This was their response to worship… What is yours?

We at Hope have the blessing of gathering each week to hear the Word of God and worship his name. What is your response to it? Are you filled with deep reverence and awe that it brings you to tears? Are you filled with great joy and celebration after every service?

Has church become a routine to check off your list or is it a renewal for your spirit?

You’re not alone if it feels more like a routine to check off. Just because church has become more of a “have-to” or a thing to check off, does not mean that God is not at work; we’re just not paying attention! The same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead lives inside of you and wants to move in your heart TODAY. Join me in this prayer, asking God to renew our hearts to see and experience Him TODAY…

“Lord, we are sorry for the ways we have made church a routine or thing to check off our to-do list. We are sorry for missing the ways that you are at work in our lives and communities. God, we trust that even when we are not paying attention, you are at work. Take away all the things distracting us from you. Open our eyes and ears to experience the glory and work that you are doing right in front of us. Blessed are the eyes that see what we get to see and hear what we get to hear. We ask for your spirit to renew our hearts. Thank you for your steadfast love and grace. We give it all to you and we love you. Amen.”

God is moving and working, we just have to open our hearts to see and experience it.

Questions for reflection:

  • Does church feel like a “have-to” or a “want-to?”
  • What do you/can you do when it feels like a “have-to?”
  • What does your relationship with God feel like when it is a “want-to?”