Even though I was raised in the church, I spent a season of my life walking away from God. I had my own plan and purpose to pursue that did not include him. I am so thankful for his grace and mercy. So thankful that in a very dark season, he pulled me closer and did not leave me where I was. His transformation, forgiveness and redemption was for me. When I thought I had lost all that was important to me, I found the most important thing and that was Christ’s consistent and unending love. My guess is that you too have experienced something similar….. his redemption is also for you.

We are not the first to fall into this cycle of deviating from the path, the purpose, the plan he has for us. We see it over and over throughout the Bible. In today’s reading from Ruth, we see that Naomi and her family seek their own plan when they leave Bethlehem to move to Moab. They were in the midst of a famine and willing to leave their home to satisfy and fulfill their needs in Moab, a place that was considered “Israel’s ancient enemy.”

Instead of trusting God, they followed their own plan. Shortly after they settle in Moab, Naomi’s husband dies. Her two sons have married Moabites and soon lose their lives as well. Naomi has lost everything while in Moab and is left with her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Oprah. When Naomi realizes her need to turn from what is left in Moab and return to her home, Ruth goes with her. We see again a loving Lord who watches her walk away in the beginning and is there when they return to offer his redemption. In doing so he gives them a future and because of that, we see Ruth’s purpose and the future of Israel unfold.

God is not surprised that since the beginning of time, we deviate from the plan and because he loves us he has a plan and that plan is redemption.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Have you ever found yourself in a season of walking away from God?
  2. How has God showed you that his plan for you is better?
  3. What has redemption looked like in your life?