Welcome to two of the least known and read books of the Bible, 1 and 2 Thessalonians. We hope during these next five days to change that narrative, encouraging each person to read these short books several times.

Our introduction to this new congregation being formed in the city of Thessalonica comes from Acts 16 where Paul has a compelling vision, “Paul, come over to Macedonia to help us!” Paul immediately plans a missionary journey.

By the way, the largest city in Macedonia is Thessalonica, a city roughly the size of Des Moines. Early attempts at establishing a new congregation were floundering, so Paul is sent to give support.

This is remindful of Lutheran Church of Hope in 1993. The congregation started in 1991, but after two years the average attendance was about one dozen. Something was not connecting, and the word among church networks was that Hope might just close down. This led to a desperate call going out from the bishop and denominational leaders to a rookie pastor up in Huxley saying, “Come over to West Des Moines and help us.” Pastor Mike loved Huxley, but he sensed a call from God to help this new church.

How does a new pastor change the trajectory? After just a few weeks Pastor Mike announced that he and his wife Sally were going to offer Vacation Bible School later in the summer. Everyone was skeptical, the naysayers replied, “There are no children here, no leaders, no money, no program, no energy.  VBS will never work.

However, 30 children showed up from somewhere. One hundred in year two, then thousands. Little children led the congregation out of its doldrums, music, laughter, dancing, Bible teaching, a Jesus party. The Holy Spirit showed up in new and powerful ways.

Paul had a more difficult time. He could only stay three weeks before the authorities drove him out. Without his presence, the church struggled. These two letters are written to shore up the congregation, and he deals with four major issues which we will discuss over the next four devotionals.

  1. What is the Gospel, the essence? Paul says it is faith, hope, and love, empowered by the Spirit.
  2. Organizational issues became central, and competing visions caused friction.
  3. Confusion about the second coming of Jesus caused much consternation.
  4. Paul suggests some core values for the congregation that can bring unity and purpose.

Questions for reflection:

  1. How did God call you to Lutheran Church of Hope?
  2. Who is calling you today to “come over and help us?
  3. Where do you experience a “Jesus party” today?