The two chapters in 1 Chronicles 26-27 describe lineage and what those people oversaw. You may be thinking, what importance is this to me? Why does this matter or what can I gain from knowing this information?  

Aside from the historical context, I believe there is a great message here about the work that was put in to make the temple run and who did the work. We have all been chosen by God and equipped with different gifts to further the Kingdom. Whether you work in the marketplace, in a church, or you attend school, you have been given an assignment and placed in authority where you are.   

As you read this you may be thinking, “Me, chosen? I have authority?” Those words don’t even go together; how could I have been chosen by God or possibly have any authority where I am, especially if I am just a student?   

We say this all the time at Hope, “It’s no accident that you are here.” We truly believe that, and we know it to be true because you are wherever God has placed you.  

John 15:16 is a great reminder and it says, “You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.”

God chose you; he appointed you, regardless of where you are, how old you are, what family you come from, what position you hold in the marketplace or in the church—He chose you to bear fruit where you are!  

Not only has he chosen you… in Luke 10:19 it says, “Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.”  

You’ve been given authority in the position you are in, no matter how big or small it may feel. We all play a role in the “temple” and it’s vital that you play your role with the authority and the talents God has given you to glorify him and usher those into his presence who would not have found him without you doing your part!  

Questions for reflection: 

  1. What position has God placed you in currently?  
  1. How can you use your position and authority to usher those into the presence of God?  
  1. What influence do you have in the position you are in and how can you use that leverage to glorify God?