I don’t know about you, but throughout most of my life my journey has taken me just about anywhere but where I had planned. I think if written, most of our stories would read a little like the story of the Israelites. There are many twists and turns, questions and what seems like unnecessary details to get us to where God is calling us. What if we were able to look at these things through a different lens? God’s perspective vs. ours.

A couple of things stood out to me in our reading for today. First, we read about the census and the endless counts from each tribe, and yet the Levites are not included in those numbers. Why would they be left out? As I read further God reveals that he did not leave them out, he actually set them apart. He set them apart for a very special job, just as he often does with us. God’s perspective vs. ours.

We then look at what seems to be random and boring details of the setup of the camp. If you are an Israelite you might have been asking yourself why does it matter, can’t I just put my things down? If we pay attention, however, we will see that the camp is laid out very intentionally in the shape of a cross with God at the center. What feels like silly details to them and us is a very intentional reminder that he is with us. At the center of everything, he is there. God’s perspective vs. ours.

God’s perspective shows us that in this story and in ours, he is faithful to fulfill his promises. He has set each one of us apart and he desires to be at the center of our lives.

Questions for reflection:

  • Has there been a season where you questioned God’s plan and afterward it became clear what he was up to?
  • What would it look like to walk in the confidence that God fulfills his promises?
  • Has there been a time when you felt like you’ve been left out only to realize you’d actually been set apart?