Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Because the day of this devotional happens to be my husband’s birthday (happy birthday David!), what better time to tell a story of our young dating life? We were in a place in our dating relationship where we were ready to get engaged, or should I say, I was ready for David to pop the… Read more
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
When was the last time you received encouragement? Was it from your family, spouse, friends, coworkers, or even your church? Do you hear encouragement in your life from people speaking into you and who you are, or do you share encouragement with others? Encouragement is a simple tool, but one not many people can receive… Read more
Monday, November 6, 2023
As I am writing this devotional, I am currently 16 weeks pregnant. I have been following my pregnancy and learning about my baby week-by-week through an app called “What to Expect.” This app has given me weekly updates such as the size of my baby, what is currently growing or developing in their body, and… Read more
Friday, November 3, 2023
Jesus promised to come back, but that was 2,000 years ago and he has not come back like he said he would yet. That causes some to turn every world event into the next sign of the imminent apocalypse, or to laugh at Christians for foolishly believing that Jesus is still going to come through… Read more