Tuesday, October 31, 2023
When was the last time you heard from God? God speaks in all sorts of ways: circumstances, people, prayer, etc. But if you have ever met a Christian who said, “God told me to (insert something that contradicts the Scriptures)!” then you know people often misinterpret what God is saying. It can cause us to… Read more
Monday, October 30, 2023
What would you need to live a life that is even more godly than you are living right now? It can be easy to think that if we just had more time, better circumstances, or more self-control, then we would live the godly life that God expects us to live. Of course, we all struggle… Read more
Friday, October 27, 2023
As pastors, one of the great privileges we have is walking alongside individuals who are in their final days of life on this earth. Maybe they’ve been giving a diagnosis that’s offered a pretty grim timeline. Maybe they’ve been battling a disease for many years and the doctors have shared they don’t have much time… Read more
Thursday, October 26, 2023
There has always been a rather large debate around the roles of men and women when it comes to relationships. It’s easy to get lost in the details of who’s supposed to submit to who and who’s really in charge. A closer look at 1 Peter 3 reveals a deeper law, a deeper truth that… Read more