Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Ok, so you thought Revelation Chapter 16 was wild, welcome to Revelation Chapter 17! Church history is littered with attempts to identify the various characters John sees in his vision. No wonder John was flabbergasted enough that the angel realized John needed someone to explain what his vision meant! Is “Babylon the Great” in Revelation… Read more
Monday, December 11, 2023
Yikes! Mondays are tough enough without having to read Revelation Chapter 16 on top of it all! The visions in Revelation 16 are terrifying – on one side you have God meting out punishments to a sinful world and on the other side, you have the defiance of humans. It’s a contest of wills. And a… Read more
Friday, December 8, 2023
Congratulations! If you’ve made it with me all week, give yourself a pat on the back. I’m really proud of you because this isn’t easy but you’ve done it. Well done! So now, let’s get to it. There are two ditches when we read Revelation. The first ditch is to read the book literally, forgetting… Read more
Thursday, December 7, 2023
There is a very strong current that runs in our world, and it is that there is no such thing as evil. That the idea of evil and therefore sin, are constructs that were created to keep people from behaving badly. Therefore, if you believe that lying or stealing or even murder are wrong; it’s… Read more