Daily Devotions

Get Connected With Daily Devotions

Read devotions written by Hope pastors and staff every weekday that align with our daily Bible readings! We hope you use these devotions as a way to dig deeper into Scripture during the weekdays and join us for worship on the weekends to continue growing in your faith. You may download and print our daily Bible readings checklist to track your progress as you read through the Bible.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Don’t Be Ashamed

Meet Timothy, a young disciple, appointed by Paul to bring the good news to God’s people around the region of Eastern Turkey. Paul is writing him a letter of encouragement because not only is he young, but his faith is also new and on fire! Paul is concerned that Timothy might waiver in his faith… Read more

Friday, September 8, 2023

Stand Firm in Christ

These final chapters in 1 Timothy remind us how important it is to distinguish between descriptive and prescriptive text. If we read 1 Timothy 5-6 as prescriptive (think about a prescription that the doctor prescribes; it tells us how to do something), we’d have some odd behaviors for our context in what it means to… Read more

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Walk the Walk

It is an unfortunate and sometimes true argument in our day that Christians are hypocrites, and that’s reason enough for others to decide not to check out the Jesus thing. This isn’t new; it was an issue that Paul addressed to Timothy, too. Rather than marinate too long on the issues, Paul moves quickly to… Read more

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Leadership in the Church

Do you know the feeling of checking job descriptions for a position you’re hopeful for, but maybe not entirely qualified for? There are statistics about this – men are more likely to apply for a job they don’t quite meet the qualifications for, still hopeful they’ll move forward in the interview process. On the other… Read more