Daily Devotions

Get Connected With Daily Devotions

Read devotions written by Hope pastors and staff every weekday that align with our daily Bible readings! We hope you use these devotions as a way to dig deeper into Scripture during the weekdays and join us for worship on the weekends to continue growing in your faith. You may download and print our daily Bible readings checklist to track your progress as you read through the Bible.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

While We Wait

I’ve never met anyone who likes to wait…for anything. Whether it’s faster internet, the line at the grocery store, or for a stoplight. We generally frown on waiting because we assume it’s a waste of time, and that nothing good could come from it. In our relationship with God, we often assume the same thing—that… Read more

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

New Year, Same Dream?

“Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.” Genesis 37:5 Dreams—we all have them and sometimes we hold them within us, afraid to share them with others.  We fear we can’t make it happen, that others will judge us, look at us sideways, or tell… Read more

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

“Relationship Over Fear”

Have you ever had a grudge against someone? How much free rent space did that person take up in your head? Were you contemplating all the ways you could get them back? Did you fear what they could/would do to you? What would you do if this person wanted to reconcile with you? Would you… Read more

Monday, January 8, 2024

Dig Another Well

Then Isaac built an altar there and worshiped the Lord. He set up his camp at that place, and his servants dug another well. Genesis 26:25  They say good fences make good neighbors, but a while back that came into dispute in one neighborhood. An old survey mistake led an entire row of houses to… Read more