Daily Devotions

Get Connected With Daily Devotions

Read devotions written by Hope pastors and staff every weekday that align with our daily Bible readings! We hope you use these devotions as a way to dig deeper into Scripture during the weekdays and join us for worship on the weekends to continue growing in your faith. You may download and print our daily Bible readings checklist to track your progress as you read through the Bible.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Failed Resolutions, Numbers & Structure

It’s February now, which means that more than 80 percent of people who made New Year’s resolutions have either failed to maintain them or abandoned them altogether. And even if you’re not someone who tries to make an official resolution, many people still look with hope on the new year, feeling energized by a fresh… Read more

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A Prophet, an Angel and a Talking Donkey

Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Your alarm doesn’t go off, the car doesn’t start, and then you spill coffee on yourself, all before 8:00 am! Numbers 22-24 tells us of a man named Balaam who had a day much like that.  In this story, there was an ancient… Read more

Monday, February 12, 2024

Prayer and Peace

We are reminded in this account in the book of Numbers 19-21 that the bitter struggles over land and sovereignty have been endemic for several millenniums. In fact, we seem to be no closer to resolution today than at the time when Moses and Aaron were leading the Israelites into Canaan. We can easily despair. Read more

Friday, February 9, 2024

Fear or Faith?

What do you do when you find yourself staring into the face of fear? Where do you turn? The Israelites found themselves facing great fear. They’re halfway to the promised land and become consumed by fear of what’s to come. They have been brought out of Egypt and cared for up until this point, yet… Read more